Ensemble Processes

Processes for ensembles

class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cdd_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_cdd Maximum consecutive dry days (v0.1)

The longest number of consecutive days where daily precipitation below a given threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold precipitation on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.CDD object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cdd_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_cdd Maximum consecutive dry days (v0.1)

The longest number of consecutive days where daily precipitation below a given threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold precipitation on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.CDD object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cdd_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_cdd Maximum consecutive dry days (v0.1)

The longest number of consecutive days where daily precipitation below a given threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold precipitation on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.CDD object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cold_and_dry_days_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_cold_and_dry_days Cold and dry days (v0.1)

Number of days with temperature below a given percentile and precipitation below a given percentile.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tas (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tas.

  • perc_pr (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable pr.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.COLD_AND_DRY_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cold_and_dry_days_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_cold_and_dry_days Cold and dry days (v0.1)

Number of days with temperature below a given percentile and precipitation below a given percentile.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tas (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tas.

  • perc_pr (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable pr.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.COLD_AND_DRY_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cold_and_dry_days_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_cold_and_dry_days Cold and dry days (v0.1)

Number of days with temperature below a given percentile and precipitation below a given percentile.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tas (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tas.

  • perc_pr (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable pr.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.COLD_AND_DRY_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cold_and_wet_days_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_cold_and_wet_days Cold and wet days (v0.1)

Number of days with temperature below a given percentile and precipitation above a given percentile.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tas (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tas.

  • perc_pr (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable pr.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.COLD_AND_WET_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cold_and_wet_days_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_cold_and_wet_days Cold and wet days (v0.1)

Number of days with temperature below a given percentile and precipitation above a given percentile.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tas (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tas.

  • perc_pr (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable pr.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.COLD_AND_WET_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cold_and_wet_days_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_cold_and_wet_days Cold and wet days (v0.1)

Number of days with temperature below a given percentile and precipitation above a given percentile.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tas (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tas.

  • perc_pr (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable pr.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.COLD_AND_WET_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cold_spell_days_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_cold_spell_days Cold spell days (v0.1)

The number of days that are part of a cold spell. A cold spell is defined as a minimum number of consecutive days with mean daily temperature below a given threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature below which a cold spell begins.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold to qualify as a cold spell.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.COLD_SPELL_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cold_spell_days_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_cold_spell_days Cold spell days (v0.1)

The number of days that are part of a cold spell. A cold spell is defined as a minimum number of consecutive days with mean daily temperature below a given threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature below which a cold spell begins.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold to qualify as a cold spell.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.COLD_SPELL_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cold_spell_days_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_cold_spell_days Cold spell days (v0.1)

The number of days that are part of a cold spell. A cold spell is defined as a minimum number of consecutive days with mean daily temperature below a given threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature below which a cold spell begins.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold to qualify as a cold spell.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.COLD_SPELL_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cold_spell_duration_index_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_cold_spell_duration_index Cold Spell Duration Index (CSDI) (v0.1)

Number of days part of a percentile-defined cold spell. A cold spell occurs when the daily minimum temperature is below a given percentile for a given number of consecutive days.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tasmin (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tasmin.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold to qualify as a cold spell.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.COLD_SPELL_DURATION_INDEX object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cold_spell_duration_index_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_cold_spell_duration_index Cold Spell Duration Index (CSDI) (v0.1)

Number of days part of a percentile-defined cold spell. A cold spell occurs when the daily minimum temperature is below a given percentile for a given number of consecutive days.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tasmin (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tasmin.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold to qualify as a cold spell.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.COLD_SPELL_DURATION_INDEX object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cold_spell_duration_index_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_cold_spell_duration_index Cold Spell Duration Index (CSDI) (v0.1)

Number of days part of a percentile-defined cold spell. A cold spell occurs when the daily minimum temperature is below a given percentile for a given number of consecutive days.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tasmin (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tasmin.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold to qualify as a cold spell.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.COLD_SPELL_DURATION_INDEX object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cold_spell_frequency_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_cold_spell_frequency Cold spell frequency (v0.1)

The number of cold spell events. A cold spell is defined as a minimum number of consecutive days with mean daily temperature below a given threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature below which a cold spell begins.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold to qualify as a cold spell.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.COLD_SPELL_FREQUENCY object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cold_spell_frequency_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_cold_spell_frequency Cold spell frequency (v0.1)

The number of cold spell events. A cold spell is defined as a minimum number of consecutive days with mean daily temperature below a given threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature below which a cold spell begins.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold to qualify as a cold spell.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.COLD_SPELL_FREQUENCY object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cold_spell_frequency_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_cold_spell_frequency Cold spell frequency (v0.1)

The number of cold spell events. A cold spell is defined as a minimum number of consecutive days with mean daily temperature below a given threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature below which a cold spell begins.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold to qualify as a cold spell.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.COLD_SPELL_FREQUENCY object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.consecutive_frost_days_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_consecutive_frost_days Consecutive frost days (v0.1)

Maximum number of consecutive days where the daily minimum temperature is below 0degC

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.CONSECUTIVE_FROST_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.consecutive_frost_days_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_consecutive_frost_days Consecutive frost days (v0.1)

Maximum number of consecutive days where the daily minimum temperature is below 0degC

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.CONSECUTIVE_FROST_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.consecutive_frost_days_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_consecutive_frost_days Consecutive frost days (v0.1)

Maximum number of consecutive days where the daily minimum temperature is below 0degC

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.CONSECUTIVE_FROST_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.consecutive_frost_free_days_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_consecutive_frost_free_days Maximum consecutive frost free days (v0.1)

Maximum number of consecutive frost-free days: where the daily minimum temperature is above or equal to 0degC

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.CONSECUTIVE_FROST_FREE_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.consecutive_frost_free_days_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_consecutive_frost_free_days Maximum consecutive frost free days (v0.1)

Maximum number of consecutive frost-free days: where the daily minimum temperature is above or equal to 0degC

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.CONSECUTIVE_FROST_FREE_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.consecutive_frost_free_days_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_consecutive_frost_free_days Maximum consecutive frost free days (v0.1)

Maximum number of consecutive frost-free days: where the daily minimum temperature is above or equal to 0degC

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.CONSECUTIVE_FROST_FREE_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cool_night_index_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_cool_night_index Cool night index (v0.1)

A night coolness variable which takes into account the mean minimum night temperatures during the month when ripening usually occurs beyond the ripening period.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.COOL_NIGHT_INDEX object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cool_night_index_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_cool_night_index Cool night index (v0.1)

A night coolness variable which takes into account the mean minimum night temperatures during the month when ripening usually occurs beyond the ripening period.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.COOL_NIGHT_INDEX object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cool_night_index_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_cool_night_index Cool night index (v0.1)

A night coolness variable which takes into account the mean minimum night temperatures during the month when ripening usually occurs beyond the ripening period.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.COOL_NIGHT_INDEX object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cooling_degree_days_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_cooling_degree_days Cooling degree days (v0.1)

The cumulative degree days for days when the mean daily temperature is above a given threshold and buildings must be air conditioned.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Temperature threshold above which air is cooled.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.COOLING_DEGREE_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cooling_degree_days_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_cooling_degree_days Cooling degree days (v0.1)

The cumulative degree days for days when the mean daily temperature is above a given threshold and buildings must be air conditioned.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Temperature threshold above which air is cooled.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.COOLING_DEGREE_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cooling_degree_days_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_cooling_degree_days Cooling degree days (v0.1)

The cumulative degree days for days when the mean daily temperature is above a given threshold and buildings must be air conditioned.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Temperature threshold above which air is cooled.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.COOLING_DEGREE_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.corn_heat_units_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_corn_heat_units Corn heat units (v0.1)

A temperature-based index used to estimate the development of corn crops. Corn growth occurs when the daily minimum and maximum temperatures exceed given thresholds.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – The minimum temperature threshold needed for corn growth.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The maximum temperature threshold needed for corn growth.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._conversion.CORN_HEAT_UNITS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.corn_heat_units_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_corn_heat_units Corn heat units (v0.1)

A temperature-based index used to estimate the development of corn crops. Corn growth occurs when the daily minimum and maximum temperatures exceed given thresholds.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – The minimum temperature threshold needed for corn growth.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The maximum temperature threshold needed for corn growth.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._conversion.CORN_HEAT_UNITS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.corn_heat_units_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_corn_heat_units Corn heat units (v0.1)

A temperature-based index used to estimate the development of corn crops. Corn growth occurs when the daily minimum and maximum temperatures exceed given thresholds.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – The minimum temperature threshold needed for corn growth.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The maximum temperature threshold needed for corn growth.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._conversion.CORN_HEAT_UNITS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cwd_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_cwd Maximum consecutive wet days (v0.1)

The longest number of consecutive days where daily precipitation is at or above a given threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold precipitation on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.CWD object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cwd_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_cwd Maximum consecutive wet days (v0.1)

The longest number of consecutive days where daily precipitation is at or above a given threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold precipitation on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.CWD object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.cwd_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_cwd Maximum consecutive wet days (v0.1)

The longest number of consecutive days where daily precipitation is at or above a given threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold precipitation on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.CWD object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.days_over_precip_doy_thresh_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_days_over_precip_doy_thresh Number of days with precipitation above a given daily percentile (v0.1)

Number of days in a period where precipitation is above a given daily percentile and a fixed threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_pr (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable pr.

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.DAYS_OVER_PRECIP_DOY_THRESH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.days_over_precip_doy_thresh_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_days_over_precip_doy_thresh Number of days with precipitation above a given daily percentile (v0.1)

Number of days in a period where precipitation is above a given daily percentile and a fixed threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_pr (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable pr.

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.DAYS_OVER_PRECIP_DOY_THRESH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.days_over_precip_doy_thresh_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_days_over_precip_doy_thresh Number of days with precipitation above a given daily percentile (v0.1)

Number of days in a period where precipitation is above a given daily percentile and a fixed threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_pr (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable pr.

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.DAYS_OVER_PRECIP_DOY_THRESH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.days_over_precip_thresh_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_days_over_precip_thresh Number of days with precipitation above a given percentile (v0.1)

Number of days in a period where precipitation is above a given percentile, calculated over a given period and a fixed threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_pr (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable pr.

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.DAYS_OVER_PRECIP_THRESH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.days_over_precip_thresh_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_days_over_precip_thresh Number of days with precipitation above a given percentile (v0.1)

Number of days in a period where precipitation is above a given percentile, calculated over a given period and a fixed threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_pr (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable pr.

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.DAYS_OVER_PRECIP_THRESH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.days_over_precip_thresh_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_days_over_precip_thresh Number of days with precipitation above a given percentile (v0.1)

Number of days in a period where precipitation is above a given percentile, calculated over a given period and a fixed threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_pr (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable pr.

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.DAYS_OVER_PRECIP_THRESH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.degree_days_exceedance_date_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_degree_days_exceedance_date Degree day exceedance date (v0.1)

The day of the year when the sum of degree days exceeds a threshold, occurring after a given date. Degree days are calculated above or below a given temperature threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base degree-days evaluation.

  • sum_thresh (string, optional) – Threshold of the degree days sum.

  • op ({'lt', 'ge', 'le', 'gt', '<', '>=', '<=', '>'}, optional) – If equivalent to ‘>’, degree days are computed as tas - thresh and if equivalent to ‘<’, they are computed as thresh - tas.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date at which to start the cumulative sum. In “mm-dd” format, defaults to the start of the sampling period.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency. If after_date is given, freq should be annual.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.DEGREE_DAYS_EXCEEDANCE_DATE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.degree_days_exceedance_date_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_degree_days_exceedance_date Degree day exceedance date (v0.1)

The day of the year when the sum of degree days exceeds a threshold, occurring after a given date. Degree days are calculated above or below a given temperature threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base degree-days evaluation.

  • sum_thresh (string, optional) – Threshold of the degree days sum.

  • op ({'lt', 'ge', 'le', 'gt', '<', '>=', '<=', '>'}, optional) – If equivalent to ‘>’, degree days are computed as tas - thresh and if equivalent to ‘<’, they are computed as thresh - tas.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date at which to start the cumulative sum. In “mm-dd” format, defaults to the start of the sampling period.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency. If after_date is given, freq should be annual.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.DEGREE_DAYS_EXCEEDANCE_DATE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.degree_days_exceedance_date_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_degree_days_exceedance_date Degree day exceedance date (v0.1)

The day of the year when the sum of degree days exceeds a threshold, occurring after a given date. Degree days are calculated above or below a given temperature threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base degree-days evaluation.

  • sum_thresh (string, optional) – Threshold of the degree days sum.

  • op ({'lt', 'ge', 'le', 'gt', '<', '>=', '<=', '>'}, optional) – If equivalent to ‘>’, degree days are computed as tas - thresh and if equivalent to ‘<’, they are computed as thresh - tas.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date at which to start the cumulative sum. In “mm-dd” format, defaults to the start of the sampling period.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency. If after_date is given, freq should be annual.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.DEGREE_DAYS_EXCEEDANCE_DATE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.dlyfrzthw_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_dlyfrzthw Daily freeze-thaw cycles (v0.1)

The number of days with a freeze-thaw cycle. A freeze-thaw cycle is defined as a day where maximum daily temperature is above a given threshold and minimum daily temperature is at or below a given threshold, usually 0degC for both.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – The temperature threshold needed to trigger a freeze event.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The temperature threshold needed to trigger a thaw event.

  • op_tasmin ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation for tasmin. Default: “<=”.

  • op_tasmax ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation for tasmax. Default: “>”.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.DLYFRZTHW object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.dlyfrzthw_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_dlyfrzthw Daily freeze-thaw cycles (v0.1)

The number of days with a freeze-thaw cycle. A freeze-thaw cycle is defined as a day where maximum daily temperature is above a given threshold and minimum daily temperature is at or below a given threshold, usually 0degC for both.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – The temperature threshold needed to trigger a freeze event.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The temperature threshold needed to trigger a thaw event.

  • op_tasmin ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation for tasmin. Default: “<=”.

  • op_tasmax ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation for tasmax. Default: “>”.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.DLYFRZTHW object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.dlyfrzthw_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_dlyfrzthw Daily freeze-thaw cycles (v0.1)

The number of days with a freeze-thaw cycle. A freeze-thaw cycle is defined as a day where maximum daily temperature is above a given threshold and minimum daily temperature is at or below a given threshold, usually 0degC for both.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – The temperature threshold needed to trigger a freeze event.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The temperature threshold needed to trigger a thaw event.

  • op_tasmin ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation for tasmin. Default: “<=”.

  • op_tasmax ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation for tasmax. Default: “>”.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.DLYFRZTHW object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.dry_days_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_dry_days Number of dry days (v0.1)

The number of days with daily precipitation under a given threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.DRY_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.dry_days_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_dry_days Number of dry days (v0.1)

The number of days with daily precipitation under a given threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.DRY_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.dry_days_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_dry_days Number of dry days (v0.1)

The number of days with daily precipitation under a given threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.DRY_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.dry_spell_frequency_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_dry_spell_frequency Dry spell frequency (v0.1)

The frequency of dry periods of N days or more, during which the accumulated or maximum precipitation over a given time window of days is below a given threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation amount under which a period is considered dry. The value against which the threshold is compared depends on op .

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum length of the spells.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • op ({'sum', 'max'}, optional) – Operation to perform on the window. Default is “sum”, which checks that the sum of accumulated precipitation over the whole window is less than the threshold. “max” checks that the maximal daily precipitation amount within the window is less than the threshold. This is the same as verifying that each individual day is below the threshold.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.DRY_SPELL_FREQUENCY object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.dry_spell_frequency_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_dry_spell_frequency Dry spell frequency (v0.1)

The frequency of dry periods of N days or more, during which the accumulated or maximum precipitation over a given time window of days is below a given threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation amount under which a period is considered dry. The value against which the threshold is compared depends on op .

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum length of the spells.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • op ({'sum', 'max'}, optional) – Operation to perform on the window. Default is “sum”, which checks that the sum of accumulated precipitation over the whole window is less than the threshold. “max” checks that the maximal daily precipitation amount within the window is less than the threshold. This is the same as verifying that each individual day is below the threshold.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.DRY_SPELL_FREQUENCY object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.dry_spell_frequency_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_dry_spell_frequency Dry spell frequency (v0.1)

The frequency of dry periods of N days or more, during which the accumulated or maximum precipitation over a given time window of days is below a given threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation amount under which a period is considered dry. The value against which the threshold is compared depends on op .

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum length of the spells.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • op ({'sum', 'max'}, optional) – Operation to perform on the window. Default is “sum”, which checks that the sum of accumulated precipitation over the whole window is less than the threshold. “max” checks that the maximal daily precipitation amount within the window is less than the threshold. This is the same as verifying that each individual day is below the threshold.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.DRY_SPELL_FREQUENCY object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.dry_spell_total_length_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_dry_spell_total_length Dry spell total length (v0.1)

The total length of dry periods of N days or more, during which the accumulated or maximum precipitation over a given time window of days is below a given threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Accumulated precipitation value under which a period is considered dry.

  • window (integer, optional) – Number of days when the maximum or accumulated precipitation is under threshold.

  • op ({'sum', 'max'}, optional) – Reduce operation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency. Indexing parameters to compute the indicator on a temporal subset of the data. It accepts the same arguments as xclim.indices.generic.select_time(). Indexing is done after finding the dry days, but before finding the spells.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Resample before rl

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.DRY_SPELL_TOTAL_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.dry_spell_total_length_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_dry_spell_total_length Dry spell total length (v0.1)

The total length of dry periods of N days or more, during which the accumulated or maximum precipitation over a given time window of days is below a given threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Accumulated precipitation value under which a period is considered dry.

  • window (integer, optional) – Number of days when the maximum or accumulated precipitation is under threshold.

  • op ({'sum', 'max'}, optional) – Reduce operation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency. Indexing parameters to compute the indicator on a temporal subset of the data. It accepts the same arguments as xclim.indices.generic.select_time(). Indexing is done after finding the dry days, but before finding the spells.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Resample before rl

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.DRY_SPELL_TOTAL_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.dry_spell_total_length_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_dry_spell_total_length Dry spell total length (v0.1)

The total length of dry periods of N days or more, during which the accumulated or maximum precipitation over a given time window of days is below a given threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Accumulated precipitation value under which a period is considered dry.

  • window (integer, optional) – Number of days when the maximum or accumulated precipitation is under threshold.

  • op ({'sum', 'max'}, optional) – Reduce operation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency. Indexing parameters to compute the indicator on a temporal subset of the data. It accepts the same arguments as xclim.indices.generic.select_time(). Indexing is done after finding the dry days, but before finding the spells.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Resample before rl

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.DRY_SPELL_TOTAL_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.dtr_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_dtr Mean of daily temperature range (v0.1)

The average difference between the daily maximum and minimum temperatures.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.DTR object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.dtr_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_dtr Mean of daily temperature range (v0.1)

The average difference between the daily maximum and minimum temperatures.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.DTR object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.dtr_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_dtr Mean of daily temperature range (v0.1)

The average difference between the daily maximum and minimum temperatures.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.DTR object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.dtrmax_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_dtrmax Maximum of daily temperature range (v0.1)

The maximum difference between the daily maximum and minimum temperatures.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.DTRMAX object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.dtrmax_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_dtrmax Maximum of daily temperature range (v0.1)

The maximum difference between the daily maximum and minimum temperatures.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.DTRMAX object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.dtrmax_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_dtrmax Maximum of daily temperature range (v0.1)

The maximum difference between the daily maximum and minimum temperatures.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.DTRMAX object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.dtrvar_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_dtrvar Variability of daily temperature range (v0.1)

The average day-to-day variation in daily temperature range.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.DTRVAR object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.dtrvar_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_dtrvar Variability of daily temperature range (v0.1)

The average day-to-day variation in daily temperature range.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.DTRVAR object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.dtrvar_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_dtrvar Variability of daily temperature range (v0.1)

The average day-to-day variation in daily temperature range.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.DTRVAR object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.effective_growing_degree_days_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_effective_growing_degree_days Effective growing degree days (v0.1)

Considers daily minimum and maximum temperature with a given base threshold between dynamically-determined growing season start and end dates. The bootsma method uses a 10-day mean temperature above a given threshold to identify a start date, while the qian method uses a weighted mean temperature above a given threshold over 5 days to determine the start date. The end date of the growing season is the date of first fall frost (Tn < 0degC) occurring after a given date (typically, July 1). Metric originally published in Bootsma et al. (2005).

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – The minimum temperature threshold.

  • method ({'bootsma', 'qian'}, optional) – The window method used to determine the temperature-based start date. For “bootsma”, the start date is defined as 10 days after the average temperature exceeds a threshold. For “qian”, the start date is based on a weighted 5-day rolling average, based on :py:func`qian_weighted_mean_average`.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the first frost event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • dim (string, optional) – Time dimension.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.EFFECTIVE_GROWING_DEGREE_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.effective_growing_degree_days_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_effective_growing_degree_days Effective growing degree days (v0.1)

Considers daily minimum and maximum temperature with a given base threshold between dynamically-determined growing season start and end dates. The bootsma method uses a 10-day mean temperature above a given threshold to identify a start date, while the qian method uses a weighted mean temperature above a given threshold over 5 days to determine the start date. The end date of the growing season is the date of first fall frost (Tn < 0degC) occurring after a given date (typically, July 1). Metric originally published in Bootsma et al. (2005).

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – The minimum temperature threshold.

  • method ({'bootsma', 'qian'}, optional) – The window method used to determine the temperature-based start date. For “bootsma”, the start date is defined as 10 days after the average temperature exceeds a threshold. For “qian”, the start date is based on a weighted 5-day rolling average, based on :py:func`qian_weighted_mean_average`.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the first frost event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • dim (string, optional) – Time dimension.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.EFFECTIVE_GROWING_DEGREE_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.effective_growing_degree_days_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_effective_growing_degree_days Effective growing degree days (v0.1)

Considers daily minimum and maximum temperature with a given base threshold between dynamically-determined growing season start and end dates. The bootsma method uses a 10-day mean temperature above a given threshold to identify a start date, while the qian method uses a weighted mean temperature above a given threshold over 5 days to determine the start date. The end date of the growing season is the date of first fall frost (Tn < 0degC) occurring after a given date (typically, July 1). Metric originally published in Bootsma et al. (2005).

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – The minimum temperature threshold.

  • method ({'bootsma', 'qian'}, optional) – The window method used to determine the temperature-based start date. For “bootsma”, the start date is defined as 10 days after the average temperature exceeds a threshold. For “qian”, the start date is based on a weighted 5-day rolling average, based on :py:func`qian_weighted_mean_average`.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the first frost event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • dim (string, optional) – Time dimension.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.EFFECTIVE_GROWING_DEGREE_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.etr_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_etr Extreme temperature range (v0.1)

The maximum of the maximum temperature minus the minimum of the minimum temperature.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.ETR object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.etr_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_etr Extreme temperature range (v0.1)

The maximum of the maximum temperature minus the minimum of the minimum temperature.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.ETR object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.etr_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_etr Extreme temperature range (v0.1)

The maximum of the maximum temperature minus the minimum of the minimum temperature.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.ETR object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.first_day_tg_above_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_first_day_tg_above First day of temperatures superior to a given temperature threshold. (v0.1)

Returns first day of period where temperature is superior to a threshold over a given number of days (default: 1), limited to a starting calendar date (default: January 1).

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the first event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FIRST_DAY_TG_ABOVE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.first_day_tg_above_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_first_day_tg_above First day of temperatures superior to a given temperature threshold. (v0.1)

Returns first day of period where temperature is superior to a threshold over a given number of days (default: 1), limited to a starting calendar date (default: January 1).

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the first event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FIRST_DAY_TG_ABOVE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.first_day_tg_above_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_first_day_tg_above First day of temperatures superior to a given temperature threshold. (v0.1)

Returns first day of period where temperature is superior to a threshold over a given number of days (default: 1), limited to a starting calendar date (default: January 1).

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the first event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FIRST_DAY_TG_ABOVE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.first_day_tg_below_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_first_day_tg_below First day of temperatures inferior to a given temperature threshold. (v0.1)

Returns first day of period where temperature is inferior to a threshold over a given number of days (default: 1), limited to a starting calendar date (default: July 1).

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the first event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FIRST_DAY_TG_BELOW object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.first_day_tg_below_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_first_day_tg_below First day of temperatures inferior to a given temperature threshold. (v0.1)

Returns first day of period where temperature is inferior to a threshold over a given number of days (default: 1), limited to a starting calendar date (default: July 1).

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the first event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FIRST_DAY_TG_BELOW object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.first_day_tg_below_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_first_day_tg_below First day of temperatures inferior to a given temperature threshold. (v0.1)

Returns first day of period where temperature is inferior to a threshold over a given number of days (default: 1), limited to a starting calendar date (default: July 1).

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the first event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FIRST_DAY_TG_BELOW object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.first_day_tn_above_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_first_day_tn_above First day of temperatures superior to a given temperature threshold. (v0.1)

Returns first day of period where temperature is superior to a threshold over a given number of days (default: 1), limited to a starting calendar date (default: January 1).

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the first event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FIRST_DAY_TN_ABOVE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.first_day_tn_above_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_first_day_tn_above First day of temperatures superior to a given temperature threshold. (v0.1)

Returns first day of period where temperature is superior to a threshold over a given number of days (default: 1), limited to a starting calendar date (default: January 1).

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the first event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FIRST_DAY_TN_ABOVE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.first_day_tn_above_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_first_day_tn_above First day of temperatures superior to a given temperature threshold. (v0.1)

Returns first day of period where temperature is superior to a threshold over a given number of days (default: 1), limited to a starting calendar date (default: January 1).

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the first event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FIRST_DAY_TN_ABOVE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.first_day_tn_below_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_first_day_tn_below First day of temperatures inferior to a given temperature threshold. (v0.1)

Returns first day of period where temperature is inferior to a threshold over a given number of days (default: 1), limited to a starting calendar date (default: July 1).

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the first event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FIRST_DAY_TN_BELOW object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.first_day_tn_below_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_first_day_tn_below First day of temperatures inferior to a given temperature threshold. (v0.1)

Returns first day of period where temperature is inferior to a threshold over a given number of days (default: 1), limited to a starting calendar date (default: July 1).

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the first event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FIRST_DAY_TN_BELOW object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.first_day_tn_below_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_first_day_tn_below First day of temperatures inferior to a given temperature threshold. (v0.1)

Returns first day of period where temperature is inferior to a threshold over a given number of days (default: 1), limited to a starting calendar date (default: July 1).

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the first event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FIRST_DAY_TN_BELOW object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.first_day_tx_above_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_first_day_tx_above First day of temperatures superior to a given temperature threshold. (v0.1)

Returns first day of period where temperature is superior to a threshold over a given number of days (default: 1), limited to a starting calendar date (default: January 1).

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the first event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FIRST_DAY_TX_ABOVE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.first_day_tx_above_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_first_day_tx_above First day of temperatures superior to a given temperature threshold. (v0.1)

Returns first day of period where temperature is superior to a threshold over a given number of days (default: 1), limited to a starting calendar date (default: January 1).

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the first event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FIRST_DAY_TX_ABOVE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.first_day_tx_above_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_first_day_tx_above First day of temperatures superior to a given temperature threshold. (v0.1)

Returns first day of period where temperature is superior to a threshold over a given number of days (default: 1), limited to a starting calendar date (default: January 1).

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the first event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FIRST_DAY_TX_ABOVE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.first_day_tx_below_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_first_day_tx_below First day of temperatures inferior to a given temperature threshold. (v0.1)

Returns first day of period where temperature is inferior to a threshold over a given number of days (default: 1), limited to a starting calendar date (default: July 1).

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the first event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FIRST_DAY_TX_BELOW object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.first_day_tx_below_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_first_day_tx_below First day of temperatures inferior to a given temperature threshold. (v0.1)

Returns first day of period where temperature is inferior to a threshold over a given number of days (default: 1), limited to a starting calendar date (default: July 1).

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the first event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FIRST_DAY_TX_BELOW object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.first_day_tx_below_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_first_day_tx_below First day of temperatures inferior to a given temperature threshold. (v0.1)

Returns first day of period where temperature is inferior to a threshold over a given number of days (default: 1), limited to a starting calendar date (default: July 1).

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the first event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FIRST_DAY_TX_BELOW object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.fraction_over_precip_doy_thresh_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_fraction_over_precip_doy_thresh (v0.1)

Percentage of the total precipitation over period occurring in days when the precipitation is above a threshold defining wet days and above a given percentile for that day.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_pr (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable pr.

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.FRACTION_OVER_PRECIP_DOY_THRESH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.fraction_over_precip_doy_thresh_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_fraction_over_precip_doy_thresh (v0.1)

Percentage of the total precipitation over period occurring in days when the precipitation is above a threshold defining wet days and above a given percentile for that day.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_pr (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable pr.

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.FRACTION_OVER_PRECIP_DOY_THRESH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.fraction_over_precip_doy_thresh_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_fraction_over_precip_doy_thresh (v0.1)

Percentage of the total precipitation over period occurring in days when the precipitation is above a threshold defining wet days and above a given percentile for that day.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_pr (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable pr.

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.FRACTION_OVER_PRECIP_DOY_THRESH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.fraction_over_precip_thresh_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_fraction_over_precip_thresh Fraction of precipitation due to wet days with daily precipitation over a given percentile. (v0.1)

Percentage of the total precipitation over period occurring in days when the precipitation is above a threshold defining wet days and above a given percentile for that day.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_pr (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable pr.

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.FRACTION_OVER_PRECIP_THRESH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.fraction_over_precip_thresh_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_fraction_over_precip_thresh Fraction of precipitation due to wet days with daily precipitation over a given percentile. (v0.1)

Percentage of the total precipitation over period occurring in days when the precipitation is above a threshold defining wet days and above a given percentile for that day.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_pr (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable pr.

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.FRACTION_OVER_PRECIP_THRESH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.fraction_over_precip_thresh_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_fraction_over_precip_thresh Fraction of precipitation due to wet days with daily precipitation over a given percentile. (v0.1)

Percentage of the total precipitation over period occurring in days when the precipitation is above a threshold defining wet days and above a given percentile for that day.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_pr (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable pr.

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.FRACTION_OVER_PRECIP_THRESH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.freezethaw_spell_frequency_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_freezethaw_spell_frequency Freeze-thaw spell frequency (v0.1)

Frequency of daily freeze-thaw spells. A freeze-thaw spell is defined as a number of consecutive days where maximum daily temperatures are above a given threshold and minimum daily temperatures are at or below a given threshold, usually 0degC for both.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – The temperature threshold needed to trigger a freeze event.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The temperature threshold needed to trigger a thaw event.

  • window (integer, optional) – The minimal length of spells to be included in the statistics.

  • op_tasmin ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation for tasmin. Default: “<=”.

  • op_tasmax ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation for tasmax. Default: “>”.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FREEZETHAW_SPELL_FREQUENCY object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.freezethaw_spell_frequency_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_freezethaw_spell_frequency Freeze-thaw spell frequency (v0.1)

Frequency of daily freeze-thaw spells. A freeze-thaw spell is defined as a number of consecutive days where maximum daily temperatures are above a given threshold and minimum daily temperatures are at or below a given threshold, usually 0degC for both.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – The temperature threshold needed to trigger a freeze event.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The temperature threshold needed to trigger a thaw event.

  • window (integer, optional) – The minimal length of spells to be included in the statistics.

  • op_tasmin ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation for tasmin. Default: “<=”.

  • op_tasmax ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation for tasmax. Default: “>”.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FREEZETHAW_SPELL_FREQUENCY object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.freezethaw_spell_frequency_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_freezethaw_spell_frequency Freeze-thaw spell frequency (v0.1)

Frequency of daily freeze-thaw spells. A freeze-thaw spell is defined as a number of consecutive days where maximum daily temperatures are above a given threshold and minimum daily temperatures are at or below a given threshold, usually 0degC for both.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – The temperature threshold needed to trigger a freeze event.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The temperature threshold needed to trigger a thaw event.

  • window (integer, optional) – The minimal length of spells to be included in the statistics.

  • op_tasmin ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation for tasmin. Default: “<=”.

  • op_tasmax ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation for tasmax. Default: “>”.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FREEZETHAW_SPELL_FREQUENCY object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.freezethaw_spell_max_length_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_freezethaw_spell_max_length Maximal length of freeze-thaw spells (v0.1)

Maximal length of daily freeze-thaw spells. A freeze-thaw spell is defined as a number of consecutive days where maximum daily temperatures are above a given threshold and minimum daily temperatures are at or below a threshold, usually 0degC for both.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – The temperature threshold needed to trigger a freeze event.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The temperature threshold needed to trigger a thaw event.

  • window (integer, optional) – The minimal length of spells to be included in the statistics.

  • op_tasmin ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation for tasmin. Default: “<=”.

  • op_tasmax ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation for tasmax. Default: “>”.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FREEZETHAW_SPELL_MAX_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.freezethaw_spell_max_length_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_freezethaw_spell_max_length Maximal length of freeze-thaw spells (v0.1)

Maximal length of daily freeze-thaw spells. A freeze-thaw spell is defined as a number of consecutive days where maximum daily temperatures are above a given threshold and minimum daily temperatures are at or below a threshold, usually 0degC for both.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – The temperature threshold needed to trigger a freeze event.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The temperature threshold needed to trigger a thaw event.

  • window (integer, optional) – The minimal length of spells to be included in the statistics.

  • op_tasmin ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation for tasmin. Default: “<=”.

  • op_tasmax ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation for tasmax. Default: “>”.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FREEZETHAW_SPELL_MAX_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.freezethaw_spell_max_length_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_freezethaw_spell_max_length Maximal length of freeze-thaw spells (v0.1)

Maximal length of daily freeze-thaw spells. A freeze-thaw spell is defined as a number of consecutive days where maximum daily temperatures are above a given threshold and minimum daily temperatures are at or below a threshold, usually 0degC for both.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – The temperature threshold needed to trigger a freeze event.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The temperature threshold needed to trigger a thaw event.

  • window (integer, optional) – The minimal length of spells to be included in the statistics.

  • op_tasmin ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation for tasmin. Default: “<=”.

  • op_tasmax ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation for tasmax. Default: “>”.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FREEZETHAW_SPELL_MAX_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.freezethaw_spell_mean_length_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_freezethaw_spell_mean_length Freeze-thaw spell mean length (v0.1)

Average length of daily freeze-thaw spells. A freeze-thaw spell is defined as a number of consecutive days where maximum daily temperatures are above a given threshold and minimum daily temperatures are at or below a given threshold, usually 0degC for both.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – The temperature threshold needed to trigger a freeze event.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The temperature threshold needed to trigger a thaw event.

  • window (integer, optional) – The minimal length of spells to be included in the statistics.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FREEZETHAW_SPELL_MEAN_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.freezethaw_spell_mean_length_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_freezethaw_spell_mean_length Freeze-thaw spell mean length (v0.1)

Average length of daily freeze-thaw spells. A freeze-thaw spell is defined as a number of consecutive days where maximum daily temperatures are above a given threshold and minimum daily temperatures are at or below a given threshold, usually 0degC for both.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – The temperature threshold needed to trigger a freeze event.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The temperature threshold needed to trigger a thaw event.

  • window (integer, optional) – The minimal length of spells to be included in the statistics.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FREEZETHAW_SPELL_MEAN_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.freezethaw_spell_mean_length_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_freezethaw_spell_mean_length Freeze-thaw spell mean length (v0.1)

Average length of daily freeze-thaw spells. A freeze-thaw spell is defined as a number of consecutive days where maximum daily temperatures are above a given threshold and minimum daily temperatures are at or below a given threshold, usually 0degC for both.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – The temperature threshold needed to trigger a freeze event.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The temperature threshold needed to trigger a thaw event.

  • window (integer, optional) – The minimal length of spells to be included in the statistics.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FREEZETHAW_SPELL_MEAN_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.freezing_degree_days_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_freezing_degree_days Freezing degree days (v0.1)

The cumulative degree days for days when the average temperature is below a given threshold, typically 0degC.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FREEZING_DEGREE_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.freezing_degree_days_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_freezing_degree_days Freezing degree days (v0.1)

The cumulative degree days for days when the average temperature is below a given threshold, typically 0degC.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FREEZING_DEGREE_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.freezing_degree_days_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_freezing_degree_days Freezing degree days (v0.1)

The cumulative degree days for days when the average temperature is below a given threshold, typically 0degC.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FREEZING_DEGREE_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.freshet_start_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_freshet_start Day of year of spring freshet start (v0.1)

Day of year of the spring freshet start, defined as the first day when the temperature exceeds a certain threshold for a given number of consecutive days.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the first event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FRESHET_START object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.freshet_start_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_freshet_start Day of year of spring freshet start (v0.1)

Day of year of the spring freshet start, defined as the first day when the temperature exceeds a certain threshold for a given number of consecutive days.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the first event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FRESHET_START object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.freshet_start_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_freshet_start Day of year of spring freshet start (v0.1)

Day of year of the spring freshet start, defined as the first day when the temperature exceeds a certain threshold for a given number of consecutive days.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • after_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the first event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FRESHET_START object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.frost_days_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_frost_days Frost days (v0.1)

Number of days where the daily minimum temperature is below a given threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Freezing temperature.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FROST_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.frost_days_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_frost_days Frost days (v0.1)

Number of days where the daily minimum temperature is below a given threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Freezing temperature.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FROST_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.frost_days_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_frost_days Frost days (v0.1)

Number of days where the daily minimum temperature is below a given threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Freezing temperature.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FROST_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.frost_free_season_end_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_frost_free_season_end Frost free season end (v0.1)

First day when the temperature is below a given threshold for a given number of consecutive days after a median calendar date.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • mid_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the end of the season. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FROST_FREE_SEASON_END object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.frost_free_season_end_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_frost_free_season_end Frost free season end (v0.1)

First day when the temperature is below a given threshold for a given number of consecutive days after a median calendar date.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • mid_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the end of the season. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FROST_FREE_SEASON_END object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.frost_free_season_end_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_frost_free_season_end Frost free season end (v0.1)

First day when the temperature is below a given threshold for a given number of consecutive days after a median calendar date.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • mid_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the end of the season. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FROST_FREE_SEASON_END object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.frost_free_season_length_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_frost_free_season_length Frost free season length (v0.1)

Duration of the frost free season, defined as the period when the minimum daily temperature is above 0degC without a freezing window of N days, with freezing occurring after a median calendar date.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold to mark the beginning and end of frost free season.

  • mid_date (string, optional) – Date the must be included in the season. It is the earliest the end of the season can be. If None, there is no limit.

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>=”.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FROST_FREE_SEASON_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.frost_free_season_length_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_frost_free_season_length Frost free season length (v0.1)

Duration of the frost free season, defined as the period when the minimum daily temperature is above 0degC without a freezing window of N days, with freezing occurring after a median calendar date.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold to mark the beginning and end of frost free season.

  • mid_date (string, optional) – Date the must be included in the season. It is the earliest the end of the season can be. If None, there is no limit.

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>=”.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FROST_FREE_SEASON_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.frost_free_season_length_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_frost_free_season_length Frost free season length (v0.1)

Duration of the frost free season, defined as the period when the minimum daily temperature is above 0degC without a freezing window of N days, with freezing occurring after a median calendar date.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold to mark the beginning and end of frost free season.

  • mid_date (string, optional) – Date the must be included in the season. It is the earliest the end of the season can be. If None, there is no limit.

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>=”.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FROST_FREE_SEASON_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.frost_free_season_start_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_frost_free_season_start Frost free season start (v0.1)

First day when minimum daily temperature exceeds a given threshold for a given number of consecutive days

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FROST_FREE_SEASON_START object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.frost_free_season_start_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_frost_free_season_start Frost free season start (v0.1)

First day when minimum daily temperature exceeds a given threshold for a given number of consecutive days

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FROST_FREE_SEASON_START object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.frost_free_season_start_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_frost_free_season_start Frost free season start (v0.1)

First day when minimum daily temperature exceeds a given threshold for a given number of consecutive days

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FROST_FREE_SEASON_START object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.frost_season_length_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_frost_season_length Frost season length (v0.1)

Duration of the freezing season, defined as the period when the daily minimum temperature is below 0degC without a thawing window of days, with the thaw occurring after a median calendar date.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold to mark the beginning and end of frost season.

  • mid_date (string, optional) – Date the must be included in the season. It is the earliest the end of the season can be. If None, there is no limit.

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FROST_SEASON_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.frost_season_length_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_frost_season_length Frost season length (v0.1)

Duration of the freezing season, defined as the period when the daily minimum temperature is below 0degC without a thawing window of days, with the thaw occurring after a median calendar date.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold to mark the beginning and end of frost season.

  • mid_date (string, optional) – Date the must be included in the season. It is the earliest the end of the season can be. If None, there is no limit.

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FROST_SEASON_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.frost_season_length_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_frost_season_length Frost season length (v0.1)

Duration of the freezing season, defined as the period when the daily minimum temperature is below 0degC without a thawing window of days, with the thaw occurring after a median calendar date.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold to mark the beginning and end of frost season.

  • mid_date (string, optional) – Date the must be included in the season. It is the earliest the end of the season can be. If None, there is no limit.

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.FROST_SEASON_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.growing_degree_days_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_growing_degree_days Growing degree days (v0.1)

The cumulative degree days for days when the average temperature is above a given threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.GROWING_DEGREE_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.growing_degree_days_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_growing_degree_days Growing degree days (v0.1)

The cumulative degree days for days when the average temperature is above a given threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.GROWING_DEGREE_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.growing_degree_days_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_growing_degree_days Growing degree days (v0.1)

The cumulative degree days for days when the average temperature is above a given threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.GROWING_DEGREE_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.growing_season_end_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_growing_season_end Growing season end (v0.1)

The first day when the temperature is below a certain threshold for a certain number of consecutive days after a given calendar date.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • mid_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the end of the season. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.GROWING_SEASON_END object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.growing_season_end_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_growing_season_end Growing season end (v0.1)

The first day when the temperature is below a certain threshold for a certain number of consecutive days after a given calendar date.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • mid_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the end of the season. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.GROWING_SEASON_END object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.growing_season_end_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_growing_season_end Growing season end (v0.1)

The first day when the temperature is below a certain threshold for a certain number of consecutive days after a given calendar date.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • mid_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the end of the season. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.GROWING_SEASON_END object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.growing_season_length_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_growing_season_length Growing season length (v0.1)

Number of days between the first occurrence of a series of days with a daily average temperature above a threshold and the first occurrence of a series of days with a daily average temperature below that same threshold, occurring after a given calendar date.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold to mark the beginning and end of growing season.

  • mid_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the end of the season. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>=”.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.GROWING_SEASON_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.growing_season_length_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_growing_season_length Growing season length (v0.1)

Number of days between the first occurrence of a series of days with a daily average temperature above a threshold and the first occurrence of a series of days with a daily average temperature below that same threshold, occurring after a given calendar date.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold to mark the beginning and end of growing season.

  • mid_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the end of the season. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>=”.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.GROWING_SEASON_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.growing_season_length_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_growing_season_length Growing season length (v0.1)

Number of days between the first occurrence of a series of days with a daily average temperature above a threshold and the first occurrence of a series of days with a daily average temperature below that same threshold, occurring after a given calendar date.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold to mark the beginning and end of growing season.

  • mid_date (string, optional) – Date of the year after which to look for the end of the season. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>=”.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.GROWING_SEASON_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.growing_season_start_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_growing_season_start Growing season start (v0.1)

The first day when the temperature exceeds a certain threshold for a given number of consecutive days.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.GROWING_SEASON_START object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.growing_season_start_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_growing_season_start Growing season start (v0.1)

The first day when the temperature exceeds a certain threshold for a given number of consecutive days.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.GROWING_SEASON_START object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.growing_season_start_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_growing_season_start Growing season start (v0.1)

The first day when the temperature exceeds a certain threshold for a given number of consecutive days.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.GROWING_SEASON_START object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.heat_wave_frequency_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_heat_wave_frequency Heat wave frequency (v0.1)

Number of heat waves. A heat wave occurs when daily minimum and maximum temperatures exceed given thresholds for a number of days.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – The minimum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The maximum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperatures above thresholds to qualify as a heatwave.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.HEAT_WAVE_FREQUENCY object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.heat_wave_frequency_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_heat_wave_frequency Heat wave frequency (v0.1)

Number of heat waves. A heat wave occurs when daily minimum and maximum temperatures exceed given thresholds for a number of days.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – The minimum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The maximum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperatures above thresholds to qualify as a heatwave.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.HEAT_WAVE_FREQUENCY object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.heat_wave_frequency_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_heat_wave_frequency Heat wave frequency (v0.1)

Number of heat waves. A heat wave occurs when daily minimum and maximum temperatures exceed given thresholds for a number of days.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – The minimum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The maximum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperatures above thresholds to qualify as a heatwave.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.HEAT_WAVE_FREQUENCY object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.heat_wave_index_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_heat_wave_index Heat wave index (v0.1)

Number of days that constitute heatwave events. A heat wave occurs when daily minimum and maximum temperatures exceed given thresholds for a number of days.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to designate a heatwave.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold to qualify as a heatwave.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.HEAT_WAVE_INDEX object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.heat_wave_index_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_heat_wave_index Heat wave index (v0.1)

Number of days that constitute heatwave events. A heat wave occurs when daily minimum and maximum temperatures exceed given thresholds for a number of days.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to designate a heatwave.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold to qualify as a heatwave.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.HEAT_WAVE_INDEX object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.heat_wave_index_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_heat_wave_index Heat wave index (v0.1)

Number of days that constitute heatwave events. A heat wave occurs when daily minimum and maximum temperatures exceed given thresholds for a number of days.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to designate a heatwave.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold to qualify as a heatwave.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.HEAT_WAVE_INDEX object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.heat_wave_max_length_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_heat_wave_max_length Heat wave maximum length (v0.1)

Total duration of heat waves. A heat wave occurs when daily minimum and maximum temperatures exceed given thresholds for a number of days.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – The minimum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The maximum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperatures above thresholds to qualify as a heatwave.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.HEAT_WAVE_MAX_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.heat_wave_max_length_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_heat_wave_max_length Heat wave maximum length (v0.1)

Total duration of heat waves. A heat wave occurs when daily minimum and maximum temperatures exceed given thresholds for a number of days.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – The minimum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The maximum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperatures above thresholds to qualify as a heatwave.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.HEAT_WAVE_MAX_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.heat_wave_max_length_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_heat_wave_max_length Heat wave maximum length (v0.1)

Total duration of heat waves. A heat wave occurs when daily minimum and maximum temperatures exceed given thresholds for a number of days.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – The minimum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The maximum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperatures above thresholds to qualify as a heatwave.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.HEAT_WAVE_MAX_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.heat_wave_total_length_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_heat_wave_total_length Heat wave total length (v0.1)

Maximum length of heat waves. A heat wave occurs when daily minimum and maximum temperatures exceed given thresholds for a number of days.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – The minimum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The maximum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperatures above thresholds to qualify as a heatwave.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.HEAT_WAVE_TOTAL_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.heat_wave_total_length_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_heat_wave_total_length Heat wave total length (v0.1)

Maximum length of heat waves. A heat wave occurs when daily minimum and maximum temperatures exceed given thresholds for a number of days.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – The minimum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The maximum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperatures above thresholds to qualify as a heatwave.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.HEAT_WAVE_TOTAL_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.heat_wave_total_length_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_heat_wave_total_length Heat wave total length (v0.1)

Maximum length of heat waves. A heat wave occurs when daily minimum and maximum temperatures exceed given thresholds for a number of days.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – The minimum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The maximum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperatures above thresholds to qualify as a heatwave.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.HEAT_WAVE_TOTAL_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.heating_degree_days_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_heating_degree_days Heating degree days (v0.1)

The cumulative degree days for days when the mean daily temperature is below a given threshold and buildings must be heated.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.HEATING_DEGREE_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.heating_degree_days_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_heating_degree_days Heating degree days (v0.1)

The cumulative degree days for days when the mean daily temperature is below a given threshold and buildings must be heated.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.HEATING_DEGREE_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.heating_degree_days_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_heating_degree_days Heating degree days (v0.1)

The cumulative degree days for days when the mean daily temperature is below a given threshold and buildings must be heated.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.HEATING_DEGREE_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.high_precip_low_temp_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_high_precip_low_temp Days with precipitation and cold temperature (v0.1)

Number of days with precipitation above a given threshold and temperature below a given threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • pr_thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation threshold to exceed.

  • tas_thresh (string, optional) – Temperature threshold not to exceed.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.HIGH_PRECIP_LOW_TEMP object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.high_precip_low_temp_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_high_precip_low_temp Days with precipitation and cold temperature (v0.1)

Number of days with precipitation above a given threshold and temperature below a given threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • pr_thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation threshold to exceed.

  • tas_thresh (string, optional) – Temperature threshold not to exceed.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.HIGH_PRECIP_LOW_TEMP object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.high_precip_low_temp_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_high_precip_low_temp Days with precipitation and cold temperature (v0.1)

Number of days with precipitation above a given threshold and temperature below a given threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • pr_thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation threshold to exceed.

  • tas_thresh (string, optional) – Temperature threshold not to exceed.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.HIGH_PRECIP_LOW_TEMP object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.hot_spell_frequency_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_hot_spell_frequency Hot spell frequency (v0.1)

Number of hot spells events within a given period. A hot spell occurs when the daily maximum temperatureexceeds a given threshold for a minimum number of days.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The maximum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperatures above thresholds to qualify as a heatwave.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.HOT_SPELL_FREQUENCY object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.hot_spell_frequency_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_hot_spell_frequency Hot spell frequency (v0.1)

Number of hot spells events within a given period. A hot spell occurs when the daily maximum temperatureexceeds a given threshold for a minimum number of days.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The maximum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperatures above thresholds to qualify as a heatwave.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.HOT_SPELL_FREQUENCY object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.hot_spell_frequency_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_hot_spell_frequency Hot spell frequency (v0.1)

Number of hot spells events within a given period. A hot spell occurs when the daily maximum temperatureexceeds a given threshold for a minimum number of days.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The maximum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperatures above thresholds to qualify as a heatwave.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.HOT_SPELL_FREQUENCY object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.hot_spell_max_length_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_hot_spell_max_length Hot spell maximum length (v0.1)

Maximum length of hot spells events within a given period. A hot spell occurs when the daily maximum temperature exceeds a given threshold for a minimum number of days.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The maximum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperatures above thresholds to qualify as a heatwave.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.HOT_SPELL_MAX_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.hot_spell_max_length_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_hot_spell_max_length Hot spell maximum length (v0.1)

Maximum length of hot spells events within a given period. A hot spell occurs when the daily maximum temperature exceeds a given threshold for a minimum number of days.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The maximum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperatures above thresholds to qualify as a heatwave.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.HOT_SPELL_MAX_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.hot_spell_max_length_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_hot_spell_max_length Hot spell maximum length (v0.1)

Maximum length of hot spells events within a given period. A hot spell occurs when the daily maximum temperature exceeds a given threshold for a minimum number of days.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – The maximum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperatures above thresholds to qualify as a heatwave.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.HOT_SPELL_MAX_LENGTH object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.hxmax_days_above_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_hxmax_days_above Calculate the number of times some condition is met. (v0.1)

First, the threshold is transformed to the same standard_name and units as the input data. Then the thresholding is performed as condition(data, threshold), i.e. if condition is <, then this counts the number of times data < threshold. Finally, count the number of occurrences when condition is met.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • threshold (string, optional) – Threshold.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency defining the periods as defined in https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/timeseries.html#resampling.

  • op ({'!=', 'lt', 'ne', 'ge', 'le', 'gt', 'eq', '<', '>=', '<=', ...}, optional) – Logical operator. e.g. arr > thresh.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.humidex.HXMAX_DAYS_ABOVE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.hxmax_days_above_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_hxmax_days_above Calculate the number of times some condition is met. (v0.1)

First, the threshold is transformed to the same standard_name and units as the input data. Then the thresholding is performed as condition(data, threshold), i.e. if condition is <, then this counts the number of times data < threshold. Finally, count the number of occurrences when condition is met.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • threshold (string, optional) – Threshold.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency defining the periods as defined in https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/timeseries.html#resampling.

  • op ({'!=', 'lt', 'ne', 'ge', 'le', 'gt', 'eq', '<', '>=', '<=', ...}, optional) – Logical operator. e.g. arr > thresh.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.humidex.HXMAX_DAYS_ABOVE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.hxmax_days_above_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_hxmax_days_above Calculate the number of times some condition is met. (v0.1)

First, the threshold is transformed to the same standard_name and units as the input data. Then the thresholding is performed as condition(data, threshold), i.e. if condition is <, then this counts the number of times data < threshold. Finally, count the number of occurrences when condition is met.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • threshold (string, optional) – Threshold.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency defining the periods as defined in https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/timeseries.html#resampling.

  • op ({'!=', 'lt', 'ne', 'ge', 'le', 'gt', 'eq', '<', '>=', '<=', ...}, optional) – Logical operator. e.g. arr > thresh.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.humidex.HXMAX_DAYS_ABOVE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.ice_days_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_ice_days Ice days (v0.1)

Number of days where the daily maximum temperature is below 0degC

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Freezing temperature.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.ICE_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.ice_days_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_ice_days Ice days (v0.1)

Number of days where the daily maximum temperature is below 0degC

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Freezing temperature.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.ICE_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.ice_days_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_ice_days Ice days (v0.1)

Number of days where the daily maximum temperature is below 0degC

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Freezing temperature.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.ICE_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.last_spring_frost_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_last_spring_frost Last spring frost (v0.1)

The last day when minimum temperature is below a given threshold for a certain number of days, limited by a final calendar date.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • before_date (string, optional) – Date of the year before which to look for the final frost event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.LAST_SPRING_FROST object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.last_spring_frost_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_last_spring_frost Last spring frost (v0.1)

The last day when minimum temperature is below a given threshold for a certain number of days, limited by a final calendar date.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • before_date (string, optional) – Date of the year before which to look for the final frost event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.LAST_SPRING_FROST object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.last_spring_frost_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_last_spring_frost Last spring frost (v0.1)

The last day when minimum temperature is below a given threshold for a certain number of days, limited by a final calendar date.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • before_date (string, optional) – Date of the year before which to look for the final frost event. Should have the format ‘%m-%d’.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold needed for evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.LAST_SPRING_FROST object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.liquid_precip_ratio_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_liquid_precip_ratio Fraction of liquid to total precipitation (v0.1)

The ratio of total liquid precipitation over the total precipitation. Liquid precipitation is approximated from total precipitation on days where temperature is above a given threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature under which precipitation is assumed to be solid.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.LIQUID_PRECIP_RATIO object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.liquid_precip_ratio_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_liquid_precip_ratio Fraction of liquid to total precipitation (v0.1)

The ratio of total liquid precipitation over the total precipitation. Liquid precipitation is approximated from total precipitation on days where temperature is above a given threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature under which precipitation is assumed to be solid.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.LIQUID_PRECIP_RATIO object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.liquid_precip_ratio_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_liquid_precip_ratio Fraction of liquid to total precipitation (v0.1)

The ratio of total liquid precipitation over the total precipitation. Liquid precipitation is approximated from total precipitation on days where temperature is above a given threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature under which precipitation is assumed to be solid.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.LIQUID_PRECIP_RATIO object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.liquidprcptot_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_liquidprcptot Total accumulated liquid precipitation. (v0.1)

Total accumulated liquid precipitation. Precipitation is considered liquid when the average daily temperature is above 0degC.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold of tas over which the precipication is assumed to be liquid rain.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.LIQUIDPRCPTOT object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.liquidprcptot_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_liquidprcptot Total accumulated liquid precipitation. (v0.1)

Total accumulated liquid precipitation. Precipitation is considered liquid when the average daily temperature is above 0degC.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold of tas over which the precipication is assumed to be liquid rain.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.LIQUIDPRCPTOT object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.liquidprcptot_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_liquidprcptot Total accumulated liquid precipitation. (v0.1)

Total accumulated liquid precipitation. Precipitation is considered liquid when the average daily temperature is above 0degC.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold of tas over which the precipication is assumed to be liquid rain.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.LIQUIDPRCPTOT object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.max_n_day_precipitation_amount_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_max_n_day_precipitation_amount maximum n-day total precipitation (v0.1)

Maximum of the moving sum of daily precipitation for a given period.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • window (integer, optional) – Window size in days.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.MAX_N_DAY_PRECIPITATION_AMOUNT object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.max_n_day_precipitation_amount_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_max_n_day_precipitation_amount maximum n-day total precipitation (v0.1)

Maximum of the moving sum of daily precipitation for a given period.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • window (integer, optional) – Window size in days.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.MAX_N_DAY_PRECIPITATION_AMOUNT object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.max_n_day_precipitation_amount_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_max_n_day_precipitation_amount maximum n-day total precipitation (v0.1)

Maximum of the moving sum of daily precipitation for a given period.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • window (integer, optional) – Window size in days.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.MAX_N_DAY_PRECIPITATION_AMOUNT object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.max_pr_intensity_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_max_pr_intensity Maximum precipitation intensity over time window (v0.1)

Maximum precipitation intensity over a given rolling time window.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • window (integer, optional) – Window size in hours.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.MAX_PR_INTENSITY object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.max_pr_intensity_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_max_pr_intensity Maximum precipitation intensity over time window (v0.1)

Maximum precipitation intensity over a given rolling time window.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • window (integer, optional) – Window size in hours.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.MAX_PR_INTENSITY object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.max_pr_intensity_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_max_pr_intensity Maximum precipitation intensity over time window (v0.1)

Maximum precipitation intensity over a given rolling time window.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • window (integer, optional) – Window size in hours.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.MAX_PR_INTENSITY object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.maximum_consecutive_warm_days_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_maximum_consecutive_warm_days Maximum consecutive warm days (v0.1)

Maximum number of consecutive days where the maximum daily temperature exceeds a certain threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.MAXIMUM_CONSECUTIVE_WARM_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.maximum_consecutive_warm_days_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_maximum_consecutive_warm_days Maximum consecutive warm days (v0.1)

Maximum number of consecutive days where the maximum daily temperature exceeds a certain threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.MAXIMUM_CONSECUTIVE_WARM_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.maximum_consecutive_warm_days_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_maximum_consecutive_warm_days Maximum consecutive warm days (v0.1)

Maximum number of consecutive days where the maximum daily temperature exceeds a certain threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.MAXIMUM_CONSECUTIVE_WARM_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.prcptot_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_prcptot Total accumulated precipitation (solid and liquid) (v0.1)

Total accumulated precipitation. If the average daily temperature is given, the phase parameter can be used to restrict the calculation to precipitation of only one phase (liquid or solid). Precipitation is considered solid if the average daily temperature is below 0degC (and vice versa).

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold of tas over which the precipication is assumed to be liquid rain.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.PRCPTOT object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.prcptot_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_prcptot Total accumulated precipitation (solid and liquid) (v0.1)

Total accumulated precipitation. If the average daily temperature is given, the phase parameter can be used to restrict the calculation to precipitation of only one phase (liquid or solid). Precipitation is considered solid if the average daily temperature is below 0degC (and vice versa).

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold of tas over which the precipication is assumed to be liquid rain.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.PRCPTOT object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.prcptot_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_prcptot Total accumulated precipitation (solid and liquid) (v0.1)

Total accumulated precipitation. If the average daily temperature is given, the phase parameter can be used to restrict the calculation to precipitation of only one phase (liquid or solid). Precipitation is considered solid if the average daily temperature is below 0degC (and vice versa).

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold of tas over which the precipication is assumed to be liquid rain.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.PRCPTOT object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.prlp_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_prlp Rainfall approximation (v0.1)

Liquid precipitation estimated from total precipitation and temperature with a given method and temperature threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Freezing point temperature. Non-scalar values are not allowed with method ‘brown’.

  • method ({'binary', 'brown', 'auer'}, optional) – Which method to use when approximating snowfall from total precipitation. See notes.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._conversion.PRLP object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.prlp_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_prlp Rainfall approximation (v0.1)

Liquid precipitation estimated from total precipitation and temperature with a given method and temperature threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Freezing point temperature. Non-scalar values are not allowed with method ‘brown’.

  • method ({'binary', 'brown', 'auer'}, optional) – Which method to use when approximating snowfall from total precipitation. See notes.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._conversion.PRLP object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.prlp_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_prlp Rainfall approximation (v0.1)

Liquid precipitation estimated from total precipitation and temperature with a given method and temperature threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Freezing point temperature. Non-scalar values are not allowed with method ‘brown’.

  • method ({'binary', 'brown', 'auer'}, optional) – Which method to use when approximating snowfall from total precipitation. See notes.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._conversion.PRLP object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.prsn_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_prsn Snowfall approximation (v0.1)

Solid precipitation estimated from total precipitation and temperature with a given method and temperature threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Freezing point temperature. Non-scalar values are not allowed with method “brown”.

  • method ({'binary', 'brown', 'auer'}, optional) – Which method to use when approximating snowfall from total precipitation. See notes.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._conversion.PRSN object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.prsn_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_prsn Snowfall approximation (v0.1)

Solid precipitation estimated from total precipitation and temperature with a given method and temperature threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Freezing point temperature. Non-scalar values are not allowed with method “brown”.

  • method ({'binary', 'brown', 'auer'}, optional) – Which method to use when approximating snowfall from total precipitation. See notes.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._conversion.PRSN object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.prsn_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_prsn Snowfall approximation (v0.1)

Solid precipitation estimated from total precipitation and temperature with a given method and temperature threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Freezing point temperature. Non-scalar values are not allowed with method “brown”.

  • method ({'binary', 'brown', 'auer'}, optional) – Which method to use when approximating snowfall from total precipitation. See notes.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._conversion.PRSN object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.rain_frzgr_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_rain_frzgr Number of rain on frozen ground days (v0.1)

The number of days with rain above a given threshold after a series of seven days with average daily temperature below 0degC. Precipitation is assumed to be rain when the daily average temperature is above 0degC.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation threshold to consider a day as a rain event.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.RAIN_FRZGR object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.rain_frzgr_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_rain_frzgr Number of rain on frozen ground days (v0.1)

The number of days with rain above a given threshold after a series of seven days with average daily temperature below 0degC. Precipitation is assumed to be rain when the daily average temperature is above 0degC.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation threshold to consider a day as a rain event.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.RAIN_FRZGR object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.rain_frzgr_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_rain_frzgr Number of rain on frozen ground days (v0.1)

The number of days with rain above a given threshold after a series of seven days with average daily temperature below 0degC. Precipitation is assumed to be rain when the daily average temperature is above 0degC.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation threshold to consider a day as a rain event.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.RAIN_FRZGR object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.rx1day_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_rx1day Maximum 1-day total precipitation (v0.1)

Maximum total daily precipitation for a given period.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.RX1DAY object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.rx1day_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_rx1day Maximum 1-day total precipitation (v0.1)

Maximum total daily precipitation for a given period.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.RX1DAY object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.rx1day_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_rx1day Maximum 1-day total precipitation (v0.1)

Maximum total daily precipitation for a given period.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.RX1DAY object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.sdii_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_sdii Simple Daily Intensity Index (v0.1)

Average precipitation for days with daily precipitation above a given threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>=”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.SDII object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.sdii_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_sdii Simple Daily Intensity Index (v0.1)

Average precipitation for days with daily precipitation above a given threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>=”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.SDII object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.sdii_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_sdii Simple Daily Intensity Index (v0.1)

Average precipitation for days with daily precipitation above a given threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>=”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.SDII object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.solidprcptot_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_solidprcptot Total accumulated solid precipitation. (v0.1)

Total accumulated solid precipitation. Precipitation is considered solid when the average daily temperature is at or below 0degC.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold of tas over which the precipication is assumed to be liquid rain.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.SOLIDPRCPTOT object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.solidprcptot_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_solidprcptot Total accumulated solid precipitation. (v0.1)

Total accumulated solid precipitation. Precipitation is considered solid when the average daily temperature is at or below 0degC.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold of tas over which the precipication is assumed to be liquid rain.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.SOLIDPRCPTOT object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.solidprcptot_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_solidprcptot Total accumulated solid precipitation. (v0.1)

Total accumulated solid precipitation. Precipitation is considered solid when the average daily temperature is at or below 0degC.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold of tas over which the precipication is assumed to be liquid rain.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.SOLIDPRCPTOT object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.spi_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_spi Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) (v0.1)

Precipitation over a moving window, normalized such that SPI averages to 0 for the calibration data. The window unit X is the minimal time period defined by the resampling frequency.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • pr_cal (string, optional) – Daily precipitation used for calibration. Usually this is a temporal subset of pr over some reference period.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency. A monthly or daily frequency is expected.

  • window (integer, optional) – Averaging window length relative to the resampling frequency. For example, if freq=”MS”, i.e. a monthly resampling, the window is an integer number of months.

  • dist ({'gamma', 'fisk'}, optional) – Name of the univariate distribution. (see scipy.stats).

  • method ({'APP', 'ML'}, optional) – Name of the fitting method, such as ML (maximum likelihood), APP (approximate). The approximate method uses a deterministic function that doesn’t involve any optimization.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.SPI object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.spi_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_spi Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) (v0.1)

Precipitation over a moving window, normalized such that SPI averages to 0 for the calibration data. The window unit X is the minimal time period defined by the resampling frequency.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • pr_cal (string, optional) – Daily precipitation used for calibration. Usually this is a temporal subset of pr over some reference period.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency. A monthly or daily frequency is expected.

  • window (integer, optional) – Averaging window length relative to the resampling frequency. For example, if freq=”MS”, i.e. a monthly resampling, the window is an integer number of months.

  • dist ({'gamma', 'fisk'}, optional) – Name of the univariate distribution. (see scipy.stats).

  • method ({'APP', 'ML'}, optional) – Name of the fitting method, such as ML (maximum likelihood), APP (approximate). The approximate method uses a deterministic function that doesn’t involve any optimization.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.SPI object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.spi_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_spi Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) (v0.1)

Precipitation over a moving window, normalized such that SPI averages to 0 for the calibration data. The window unit X is the minimal time period defined by the resampling frequency.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • pr_cal (string, optional) – Daily precipitation used for calibration. Usually this is a temporal subset of pr over some reference period.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency. A monthly or daily frequency is expected.

  • window (integer, optional) – Averaging window length relative to the resampling frequency. For example, if freq=”MS”, i.e. a monthly resampling, the window is an integer number of months.

  • dist ({'gamma', 'fisk'}, optional) – Name of the univariate distribution. (see scipy.stats).

  • method ({'APP', 'ML'}, optional) – Name of the fitting method, such as ML (maximum likelihood), APP (approximate). The approximate method uses a deterministic function that doesn’t involve any optimization.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.SPI object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tg10p_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_tg10p Days with mean temperature below the 10th percentile (v0.1)

Number of days with mean temperature below the 10th percentile.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tas (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tas.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TG10P object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tg10p_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_tg10p Days with mean temperature below the 10th percentile (v0.1)

Number of days with mean temperature below the 10th percentile.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tas (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tas.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TG10P object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tg10p_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_tg10p Days with mean temperature below the 10th percentile (v0.1)

Number of days with mean temperature below the 10th percentile.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tas (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tas.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TG10P object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tg90p_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_tg90p Days with mean temperature above the 90th percentile (v0.1)

Number of days with mean temperature above the 90th percentile.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tas (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tas.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TG90P object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tg90p_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_tg90p Days with mean temperature above the 90th percentile (v0.1)

Number of days with mean temperature above the 90th percentile.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tas (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tas.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TG90P object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tg90p_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_tg90p Days with mean temperature above the 90th percentile (v0.1)

Number of days with mean temperature above the 90th percentile.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tas (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tas.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TG90P object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tg_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_tg Mean temperature (v0.1)

The average daily temperature assuming a symmetrical temperature distribution (Tg = (Tx + Tn) / 2).

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._conversion.TG object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tg_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_tg Mean temperature (v0.1)

The average daily temperature assuming a symmetrical temperature distribution (Tg = (Tx + Tn) / 2).

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._conversion.TG object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tg_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_tg Mean temperature (v0.1)

The average daily temperature assuming a symmetrical temperature distribution (Tg = (Tx + Tn) / 2).

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._conversion.TG object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tg_days_above_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_tg_days_above Number of days with mean temperature above a given threshold (v0.1)

The number of days with mean temperature above a given threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TG_DAYS_ABOVE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tg_days_above_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_tg_days_above Number of days with mean temperature above a given threshold (v0.1)

The number of days with mean temperature above a given threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TG_DAYS_ABOVE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tg_days_above_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_tg_days_above Number of days with mean temperature above a given threshold (v0.1)

The number of days with mean temperature above a given threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TG_DAYS_ABOVE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tg_days_below_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_tg_days_below Number of days with mean temperature below a given threshold (v0.1)

The number of days with mean temperature below a given threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TG_DAYS_BELOW object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tg_days_below_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_tg_days_below Number of days with mean temperature below a given threshold (v0.1)

The number of days with mean temperature below a given threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TG_DAYS_BELOW object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tg_days_below_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_tg_days_below Number of days with mean temperature below a given threshold (v0.1)

The number of days with mean temperature below a given threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TG_DAYS_BELOW object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tg_max_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_tg_max Maximum of mean temperature (v0.1)

Maximum of daily mean temperature.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TG_MAX object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tg_max_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_tg_max Maximum of mean temperature (v0.1)

Maximum of daily mean temperature.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TG_MAX object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tg_max_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_tg_max Maximum of mean temperature (v0.1)

Maximum of daily mean temperature.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TG_MAX object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tg_mean_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_tg_mean Mean temperature (v0.1)

Mean of daily mean temperature.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TG_MEAN object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tg_mean_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_tg_mean Mean temperature (v0.1)

Mean of daily mean temperature.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TG_MEAN object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tg_mean_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_tg_mean Mean temperature (v0.1)

Mean of daily mean temperature.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TG_MEAN object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tg_min_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_tg_min Minimum of mean temperature (v0.1)

Minimum of daily mean temperature.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TG_MIN object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tg_min_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_tg_min Minimum of mean temperature (v0.1)

Minimum of daily mean temperature.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TG_MIN object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tg_min_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_tg_min Minimum of mean temperature (v0.1)

Minimum of daily mean temperature.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TG_MIN object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.thawing_degree_days_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_thawing_degree_days Thawing degree days (v0.1)

The cumulative degree days for days when the average temperature is above a given threshold, typically 0degC.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.THAWING_DEGREE_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.thawing_degree_days_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_thawing_degree_days Thawing degree days (v0.1)

The cumulative degree days for days when the average temperature is above a given threshold, typically 0degC.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.THAWING_DEGREE_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.thawing_degree_days_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_thawing_degree_days Thawing degree days (v0.1)

The cumulative degree days for days when the average temperature is above a given threshold, typically 0degC.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.THAWING_DEGREE_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tn10p_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_tn10p Days with minimum temperature below the 10th percentile (v0.1)

Number of days with minimum temperature below the 10th percentile.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tasmin (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tasmin.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TN10P object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tn10p_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_tn10p Days with minimum temperature below the 10th percentile (v0.1)

Number of days with minimum temperature below the 10th percentile.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tasmin (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tasmin.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TN10P object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tn10p_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_tn10p Days with minimum temperature below the 10th percentile (v0.1)

Number of days with minimum temperature below the 10th percentile.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tasmin (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tasmin.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TN10P object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tn90p_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_tn90p Days with minimum temperature above the 90th percentile (v0.1)

Number of days with minimum temperature above the 90th percentile.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tasmin (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tasmin.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TN90P object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tn90p_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_tn90p Days with minimum temperature above the 90th percentile (v0.1)

Number of days with minimum temperature above the 90th percentile.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tasmin (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tasmin.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TN90P object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tn90p_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_tn90p Days with minimum temperature above the 90th percentile (v0.1)

Number of days with minimum temperature above the 90th percentile.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tasmin (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tasmin.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TN90P object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tn_days_above_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_tn_days_above Number of days with minimum temperature above a given threshold (v0.1)

The number of days with minimum temperature above a given threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TN_DAYS_ABOVE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tn_days_above_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_tn_days_above Number of days with minimum temperature above a given threshold (v0.1)

The number of days with minimum temperature above a given threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TN_DAYS_ABOVE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tn_days_above_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_tn_days_above Number of days with minimum temperature above a given threshold (v0.1)

The number of days with minimum temperature above a given threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TN_DAYS_ABOVE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tn_days_below_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_tn_days_below Number of days with minimum temperature below a given threshold (v0.1)

The number of days with minimum temperature below a given threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TN_DAYS_BELOW object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tn_days_below_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_tn_days_below Number of days with minimum temperature below a given threshold (v0.1)

The number of days with minimum temperature below a given threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TN_DAYS_BELOW object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tn_days_below_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_tn_days_below Number of days with minimum temperature below a given threshold (v0.1)

The number of days with minimum temperature below a given threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TN_DAYS_BELOW object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tn_max_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_tn_max Maximum of minimum temperature (v0.1)

Maximum of daily minimum temperature.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TN_MAX object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tn_max_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_tn_max Maximum of minimum temperature (v0.1)

Maximum of daily minimum temperature.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TN_MAX object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tn_max_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_tn_max Maximum of minimum temperature (v0.1)

Maximum of daily minimum temperature.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TN_MAX object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tn_mean_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_tn_mean Mean of minimum temperature (v0.1)

Mean of daily minimum temperature.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TN_MEAN object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tn_mean_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_tn_mean Mean of minimum temperature (v0.1)

Mean of daily minimum temperature.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TN_MEAN object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tn_mean_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_tn_mean Mean of minimum temperature (v0.1)

Mean of daily minimum temperature.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TN_MEAN object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tn_min_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_tn_min Minimum temperature (v0.1)

Minimum of daily minimum temperature.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TN_MIN object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tn_min_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_tn_min Minimum temperature (v0.1)

Minimum of daily minimum temperature.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TN_MIN object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tn_min_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_tn_min Minimum temperature (v0.1)

Minimum of daily minimum temperature.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TN_MIN object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tropical_nights_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_tropical_nights Tropical nights (v0.1)

Number of days where minimum temperature is above a given threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TROPICAL_NIGHTS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tropical_nights_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_tropical_nights Tropical nights (v0.1)

Number of days where minimum temperature is above a given threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TROPICAL_NIGHTS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tropical_nights_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_tropical_nights Tropical nights (v0.1)

Number of days where minimum temperature is above a given threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TROPICAL_NIGHTS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tx10p_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_tx10p Days with maximum temperature below the 10th percentile (v0.1)

Number of days with maximum temperature below the 10th percentile.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tasmax (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tasmax.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TX10P object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tx10p_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_tx10p Days with maximum temperature below the 10th percentile (v0.1)

Number of days with maximum temperature below the 10th percentile.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tasmax (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tasmax.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TX10P object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tx10p_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_tx10p Days with maximum temperature below the 10th percentile (v0.1)

Number of days with maximum temperature below the 10th percentile.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tasmax (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tasmax.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TX10P object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tx90p_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_tx90p Days with maximum temperature above the 90th percentile (v0.1)

Number of days with maximum temperature above the 90th percentile.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tasmax (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tasmax.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TX90P object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tx90p_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_tx90p Days with maximum temperature above the 90th percentile (v0.1)

Number of days with maximum temperature above the 90th percentile.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tasmax (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tasmax.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TX90P object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tx90p_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_tx90p Days with maximum temperature above the 90th percentile (v0.1)

Number of days with maximum temperature above the 90th percentile.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tasmax (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tasmax.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TX90P object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tx_days_above_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_tx_days_above Number of days with maximum temperature above a given threshold (v0.1)

The number of days with maximum temperature above a given threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TX_DAYS_ABOVE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tx_days_above_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_tx_days_above Number of days with maximum temperature above a given threshold (v0.1)

The number of days with maximum temperature above a given threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TX_DAYS_ABOVE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tx_days_above_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_tx_days_above Number of days with maximum temperature above a given threshold (v0.1)

The number of days with maximum temperature above a given threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TX_DAYS_ABOVE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tx_days_below_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_tx_days_below Number of days with maximum temperature below a given threshold (v0.1)

The number of days with maximum temperature below a given threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TX_DAYS_BELOW object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tx_days_below_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_tx_days_below Number of days with maximum temperature below a given threshold (v0.1)

The number of days with maximum temperature below a given threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TX_DAYS_BELOW object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tx_days_below_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_tx_days_below Number of days with maximum temperature below a given threshold (v0.1)

The number of days with maximum temperature below a given threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'le', '<=', 'lt', '<'}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “<”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TX_DAYS_BELOW object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tx_max_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_tx_max Maximum temperature (v0.1)

Maximum of daily maximum temperature.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TX_MAX object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tx_max_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_tx_max Maximum temperature (v0.1)

Maximum of daily maximum temperature.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TX_MAX object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tx_max_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_tx_max Maximum temperature (v0.1)

Maximum of daily maximum temperature.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TX_MAX object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tx_mean_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_tx_mean Mean of maximum temperature (v0.1)

Mean of daily maximum temperature.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TX_MEAN object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tx_mean_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_tx_mean Mean of maximum temperature (v0.1)

Mean of daily maximum temperature.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TX_MEAN object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tx_mean_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_tx_mean Mean of maximum temperature (v0.1)

Mean of daily maximum temperature.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TX_MEAN object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tx_min_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_tx_min Minimum of maximum temperature (v0.1)

Minimum of daily maximum temperature.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TX_MIN object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tx_min_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_tx_min Minimum of maximum temperature (v0.1)

Minimum of daily maximum temperature.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TX_MIN object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tx_min_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_tx_min Minimum of maximum temperature (v0.1)

Minimum of daily maximum temperature.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TX_MIN object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tx_tn_days_above_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_tx_tn_days_above Number of days with daily minimum and maximum temperatures exceeding thresholds (v0.1)

Number of days with daily maximum and minimum temperatures above given thresholds.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – Threshold temperature for tasmin on which to base evaluation.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – Threshold temperature for tasmax on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TX_TN_DAYS_ABOVE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tx_tn_days_above_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_tx_tn_days_above Number of days with daily minimum and maximum temperatures exceeding thresholds (v0.1)

Number of days with daily maximum and minimum temperatures above given thresholds.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – Threshold temperature for tasmin on which to base evaluation.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – Threshold temperature for tasmax on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TX_TN_DAYS_ABOVE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.tx_tn_days_above_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_tx_tn_days_above Number of days with daily minimum and maximum temperatures exceeding thresholds (v0.1)

Number of days with daily maximum and minimum temperatures above given thresholds.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh_tasmin (string, optional) – Threshold temperature for tasmin on which to base evaluation.

  • thresh_tasmax (string, optional) – Threshold temperature for tasmax on which to base evaluation.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.TX_TN_DAYS_ABOVE object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.warm_and_dry_days_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_warm_and_dry_days Warm and dry days (v0.1)

Number of days with temperature above a given percentile and precipitation below a given percentile.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tas (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tas.

  • perc_pr (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable pr.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.WARM_AND_DRY_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.warm_and_dry_days_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_warm_and_dry_days Warm and dry days (v0.1)

Number of days with temperature above a given percentile and precipitation below a given percentile.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tas (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tas.

  • perc_pr (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable pr.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.WARM_AND_DRY_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.warm_and_dry_days_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_warm_and_dry_days Warm and dry days (v0.1)

Number of days with temperature above a given percentile and precipitation below a given percentile.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tas (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tas.

  • perc_pr (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable pr.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.WARM_AND_DRY_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.warm_and_wet_days_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_warm_and_wet_days Warm and wet days (v0.1)

Number of days with temperature above a given percentile and precipitation above a given percentile.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tas (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tas.

  • perc_pr (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable pr.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.WARM_AND_WET_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.warm_and_wet_days_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_warm_and_wet_days Warm and wet days (v0.1)

Number of days with temperature above a given percentile and precipitation above a given percentile.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tas (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tas.

  • perc_pr (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable pr.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.WARM_AND_WET_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.warm_and_wet_days_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_warm_and_wet_days Warm and wet days (v0.1)

Number of days with temperature above a given percentile and precipitation above a given percentile.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tas (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tas.

  • perc_pr (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable pr.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.WARM_AND_WET_DAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.warm_spell_duration_index_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_warm_spell_duration_index Warm spell duration index (v0.1)

Number of days part of a percentile-defined warm spell. A warm spell occurs when the maximum daily temperature is above a given percentile for a given number of consecutive days.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tasmax (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tasmax.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold to qualify as a warm spell.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.WARM_SPELL_DURATION_INDEX object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.warm_spell_duration_index_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_warm_spell_duration_index Warm spell duration index (v0.1)

Number of days part of a percentile-defined warm spell. A warm spell occurs when the maximum daily temperature is above a given percentile for a given number of consecutive days.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tasmax (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tasmax.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold to qualify as a warm spell.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.WARM_SPELL_DURATION_INDEX object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.warm_spell_duration_index_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_warm_spell_duration_index Warm spell duration index (v0.1)

Number of days part of a percentile-defined warm spell. A warm spell occurs when the maximum daily temperature is above a given percentile for a given number of consecutive days.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • perc_tasmax (integer, optional) – Which percentile to compute and use as threshold for variable tasmax.

  • window (integer, optional) – Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold to qualify as a warm spell.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • resample_before_rl (boolean, optional) – Determines if the resampling should take place before or after the run length encoding (or a similar algorithm) is applied to runs.

  • bootstrap (boolean, optional) – Flag to run bootstrapping of percentiles. Used by percentile_bootstrap decorator. Bootstrapping is only useful when the percentiles are computed on a part of the studied sample. This period, common to percentiles and the sample must be bootstrapped to avoid inhomogeneities with the rest of the time series. Keep bootstrap to False when there is no common period, it would give wrong results plus, bootstrapping is computationally expensive.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>”.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._temperature.WARM_SPELL_DURATION_INDEX object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.wet_prcptot_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_wet_prcptot Total accumulated precipitation (solid and liquid) during wet days (v0.1)

Total accumulated precipitation on days with precipitation. A day is considered to have precipitation if the precipitation is greater than or equal to a given threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold over which precipitation starts being cumulated.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.WET_PRCPTOT object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.wet_prcptot_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_wet_prcptot Total accumulated precipitation (solid and liquid) during wet days (v0.1)

Total accumulated precipitation on days with precipitation. A day is considered to have precipitation if the precipitation is greater than or equal to a given threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold over which precipitation starts being cumulated.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.WET_PRCPTOT object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.wet_prcptot_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_wet_prcptot Total accumulated precipitation (solid and liquid) during wet days (v0.1)

Total accumulated precipitation on days with precipitation. A day is considered to have precipitation if the precipitation is greater than or equal to a given threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Threshold over which precipitation starts being cumulated.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.WET_PRCPTOT object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.wetdays_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_wetdays Number of wet days (v0.1)

The number of days with daily precipitation at or above a given threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>=”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.WETDAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.wetdays_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_wetdays Number of wet days (v0.1)

The number of days with daily precipitation at or above a given threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>=”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.WETDAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.wetdays_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_wetdays Number of wet days (v0.1)

The number of days with daily precipitation at or above a given threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>=”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.WETDAYS object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.wetdays_prop_Ensemble_Bbox_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleBboxBase

ensemble_bbox_wetdays_prop Proportion of wet days (v0.1)

The proportion of days with daily precipitation at or above a given threshold.

  • lat0 (float) – Minimum latitude.

  • lat1 (float) – Maximum latitude.

  • lon0 (float) – Minimum longitude.

  • lon1 (float) – Maximum longitude.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>=”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.WETDAYS_PROP object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.wetdays_prop_Ensemble_GridPoint_Process

Bases: XclimEnsembleGridPointBase

ensemble_grid_point_wetdays_prop Proportion of wet days (v0.1)

The proportion of days with daily precipitation at or above a given threshold.

  • lat (string) – Latitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • lon (string) – Longitude coordinate. Accepts a comma separated list of floats for multiple grid cells.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>=”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.WETDAYS_PROP object>
class finch.processes.virtual.ensemble.wetdays_prop_Ensemble_Polygon_Process

Bases: XclimEnsemblePolygonBase

ensemble_polygon_wetdays_prop Proportion of wet days (v0.1)

The proportion of days with daily precipitation at or above a given threshold.

  • shape (application/geo+json, application/x-zipped-shp) – Polygon contour, as a geojson string or as a zipped ShapeFile.

  • start_date (string, optional) – Initial date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to first day in file.

  • end_date (string, optional) – Final date for temporal subsetting. Can be expressed as year (%Y), year-month (%Y-%m) or year-month-day(%Y-%m-%d). Defaults to last day in file.

  • ensemble_percentiles (string, optional) – Ensemble percentiles to calculate for input climate simulations. Accepts a comma separated list of integers. An empty string will disable the ensemble reduction and the output will have all members along the ‘realization’ dimension, using the input filenames as coordinates.

  • average (boolean, optional) – Whether to average over spatial dimensions or not. Averaging is done before the ensemble percentiles.

  • dataset ({'candcs-u5', 'bccaqv2', 'candcs-u6', 'humidex-daily'}, optional) – Name of the dataset from which to get netcdf files for inputs.

  • scenario ({'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'ssp245', 'ssp126', 'ssp585', 'rcp85'}, optional) – Emission scenario (RCPs or SSPs, depending on the dataset)

  • models ({'all', 'EC-Earth3', 'pcic12', 'bcc-csm1-1', 'MPI-ESM1-2-HR', 'MPI-ESM1-2-LR', 'KIOST-ESM', 'GFDL-ESM2M', 'NorESM2-LM', 'FGOALS-g2', ...}, optional) – When calculating the ensemble, include only these models. Allowed values depend on the dataset chosen. By default, all models are used (‘all’), taking the first realization of each. Special sub-lists are also available :candcs-u5: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], bccaqv2: [‘24models’, ‘pcic12’], candcs-u6: [‘26models’], humidex-daily: [‘humidex_models’]

  • thresh (string, optional) – Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet.

  • freq ({'YS', 'MS', 'QS-DEC', 'AS-JUL'}, optional) – Resampling frequency.

  • op ({'ge', 'gt', '>', '>='}, optional) – Comparison operation. Default: “>=”.

  • month ({'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ...}, optional) – Months of the year over which to compute indicator.

  • season ({'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'}, optional) – Climatological season over which to compute indicator.

  • check_missing ({'any', 'wmo', 'pct', 'at_least_n', 'skip', 'from_context'}, optional) – Method used to determine which aggregations should be considered missing.

  • missing_options (application/json, optional) – JSON representation of dictionary of missing method parameters.

  • cf_compliance ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs have non-CF-compliant attributes.

  • data_validation ({'log', 'warn', 'raise'}, optional) – Whether to log, warn or raise when inputs fail data validation checks.

  • output_name (string, optional) – Prefix of the output filename, defaults to the dataset name and the identifier of the process.

  • output_format ({'netcdf', 'csv'}, optional) – Choose in which format you want to receive the result. CSV actually means a zip file of two csv files.

  • csv_precision (integer, optional) – Only valid if output_format is CSV. If not set, all decimal places of a 64 bit floating precision number are printed. If negative, rounds before the decimal point.


  • output (application/x-netcdf, application/zip) – The format depends on the ‘output_format’ input parameter.

  • output_log (text/plain) – Collected logs during process run.

xci = <xclim.indicators.atmos._precip.WETDAYS_PROP object>