.. _sec-processes: ========= Processes ========= PAVICS offers a growing list of computational services through the Web Processing Services (WPS) standard. Each individual service is hosted by a thematic server. For example, the :doc:`Finch server ` specializes in climate indicators, while the :doc:`Raven server ` focuses on hydrological modeling and time-series analysis. A typical server will thus host a few dozens or more individual processes that can be combined into workflows. Indeed, each service typically operates on netCDF inputs and also yields netCDF outputs, making it possible to chain together multiple processes. You'll find below links to services or service providers organized by topics. You may also use the Search bar, which will search through the index for all the main thematic servers. .. toctree:: basic_climate indices .. todo:: Take a systematic approach and link to other birds and libraries through intersphinx